MORE MASCOTS! (Like scratch)

Scratch has more mascots than :snap:. We want more mascots, please!

just because you got banned from scratch doesnt mean we have to cater to your requests to turn this into scratch! PLEASE stop!

If you didn't know yet, go to the file menu and click Costumes.

Also why not check out New costumes in v8.0? You could use some of these as costumes for projects.

oh I remember this!

If you want more mascots, import them from Scratch!

That... is a violation of copyright law. (At least, in Canada. Maybe in America you can go willy-nilly with digital stuff. I never really looked at the drama on Boing Boing.)

Only if you share the project and the characters you choose are one of: Scratch Cat, Gobo, or Gobo's friends. I guess I should of said "characters" instead of "mascots".

Why would Scratch copyright them if it won't make a difference? But.. I'm in Canada too, so I'm not super familiar with copyright law in the US.

The scratch mascots are copyrighted by the scratch team, and I'm pretty sure you can't use them outside of scratch (what's why scratch mods tend to remove the scratch mascots). However, the rest of the costumes are licensed under the creative commons license, which means that you can use them anywhere, even outside of scratch.

This is explained on the scratch FAQ page.

As a side note, the snap team did get permission from the scratch team to use a modified gobo as their mascot.

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