Language Learning App (Part 2)

I clicked save.

Yeah I don’t think it worked, I am new to Smerge so how do I do this.

That doesn't save to Smerge, it saves to Snap!.

How to save to smerge.

When you are done with a project on Smerge, go to the Variables pallet, then scroll all the way down, you should see a Language Learner script pic (3) block, click it, and put your changes, then click OK.

Oh ok

Didn’t work when I did it. It said exported but when I re opened it the changes were gone

Edit: @warped_wart_wars Works but on it shows up near the top of the branch.

You have to edit a newer version to have it lower on the sett. Try editing the last one, "Made all flags show, ..." then post to Smerge.

Edit: The WARP is making it slower, not faster.

For me it makes it faster.

What happened to the Lan block in the newest version?

For me, on a pretty powerful laptop, (runs Sims4 high graphics easily) it's ~1-1.5 seconds.

On ipad, phone, and my windows laptop it runs 3x faster with the warp. Also we’re did the lan block go?

I just saw the language block was gone in the version I put last on there. (Please don't call it a "lan" block; "lan" for me is "local area network") I'll re-add it.

Ok. Also when you do add the warp please.

@warped_wart_wars you can make more notifications I just did those cause I did.

Ok, if you want it more unpredictable. W/out WARP I got a fairly consistent 0.3 seconds translating "Hello" to French. W/WARP I got 0.4 secs, then 0.25 secs, then 0.3something secs.

Just do warp;~;

I just posted one w/WARP.


<p> tags are odd on here. I never use them; instead I use <span></span>.