Fixed it:
To translate "hello" from en to fr.
Added the a block with this code to the Smerge.
That API doesn't seem to support dutch. You will have to remove it.
It's very slow.
C'mon. I can't really fix that.
Ok. And I'll add the other languages supported.
You can't have input options on the same line.
Edit: I tried to fix it, but it wouldn't fix.
Still don't use that API.
Ignoring the that you can send a GET request to
There are two more mirrors that work, and
Can you guys send me the smerge
@sir_kitten2 I've added more supported languages and removed unsupported ones.
You can't have input options on the same line.
Edit: I tried to fix it, but it wouldn't fix.
What do you mean? It works fine except that it's a little slow.
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