I am no longer able to access the Snap! forum, as Snap! is now blocked. (My school is really cracking down on games, and Scratch was blocked, then the school district was like "Hey, Snap! is sorta like Scratch, we should block that, too!")
I can access cs10.org just fine, so I've been using that.
To cut that rant short, I've been using the Discourse API to get read-only access to the forum, and have been borrowing my friend(hello!)'s phone to post.
I know that using the Snap!Cloud API will get you permanently banned, but I heard that the Forum API is fine. Is that correct? (I'll delete my program if it isn't.)
I still use Google (even though it's worse abt that stuff) because of the convenience. But I'm building my own search engine that I wanna push out before the end of the year
I'll post my code, once it's in a presentable state, but the idea is this:
Every page on a Discourse forum has a .json counterpart, which can be read by a program to do stuff.
So, if you want to, for instance, view the list of the most recent topic, you can wget https://forum.snap.berkeley.edu/latest.json, then look at [topic_list][topics][0].
I once was porting the forums to an app, but without the webview, so all of it actually involved native Android views. I was lazy so I gave up "S!F Android" pretty early.