Ideas for games?


hmmmmmmmmmmmm mabbe a mario

oooooooooh make your own search engine

vist my chat at

a snap simulator!
i loved making games on scratch. the snap editor looks kinda intimidating tho ;~;

smooth editor looks like scratch3.0, but I like the dark mode better

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how do you enable smooth editor?


where is setting

Flat design

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The gear button

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no problem!!!

You can use tutorials from a different programming language, as long as you understand the syntax of that language. For example, Scratch list raycasting is based off a tutorial for the C++ language. It's just that Unity has its own engine.

Maybe you could make a 3D game but you can only see a 2D cross-section of the world. Like you're a 2D character but since the world you are in is in 3D, you can only see a 2D cross-section of the world.

I don't think so. I tried doing that once. I made the levels out of boxes. If you can draw a square then you can draw a 2D cross-section of a 3D box, because it's just a square that disappears/reappears depending if the 3D box is intersecting the 2D cross-section.

that's not really a unique puzzle though

make a spin on the concept of soduku

what spin should i make though
im good at making games, but not good at thinking of what to make in the game

add special effects combine it with another genre