How to make a new account on the Snap! Forums?

(The title question here)

How to make a new account on the Snap! Forums?


you can just create a new snap account by logging out on and then click join, then create a new account. You can log into the snap forum by logging into that same account.

Go to the Snap! homepage, sign out, create an account, go to the Snap! forums, and login.

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I logged out and joined like you said, but I pressed log in and it brought me to the same FUNTIME_FOXY101 account.

then on the forum, click on your pic in the top right corner where you see your messages, then click on the gear icon, then click log out. Now you can log in with your new account.

It still brought me to the same account, do I have to delete my current account(the funtime_foxy101 account)?

ok, I am having trouble logging into a second account. I logged out on the forum and on, then tried logging into second account on the forum, and it logged me into my first account. That is a big problem.

Yeah, same problem too. Maybe Snap! staff(idk what else to call them, Admin? Moderators? Developers?) did something to keep us from making an new account on the forum? I also didn't see a sign-in option either .....hmmmm....

You need a new email!
Try a 5 minuite one!

Same emails are ok in home page but not ok in forum!

I can't make a new email on my chromebook because google everything is blocked. plus, my chromebook won't allow the email my cousin gave me because it is a one, not a email that I need for my chromebook, because I go to school.

oof, I just exposed my school's website, lol

May be I can make you 1.

Maybe, but my school chromebook doesn't allow a normal email, the only emails they allow are the ones that start with: 0(other random numbers)
ones. Thank goodness, I didn't expose my school's gmail.

VPN Proxy

I don't think she has a VPN or any way to get one.


oh and no glitch no github :frowning: