Funny programming language in snap! (Part 3)

whats the difference between the two

'A' //only allows one character
"BCDE" //allows an entire string

why would you use that and not just a string?

because its a character

but thats not a good reason and doesn't say anything.

actually, if you want to insert one character/number and its not in a math expresison, just type it in without the ""s

numbers but not characters
because characters could be used as identifiers and it would be super confusing

[not the reason]
the character thingy is from C#
[/not the reason]

[still not the reason]
its also from Java, C, and C++
[/still not the reason]

this will be compatible (there will be a block that converts ESL to snap code) with snap! and in snap there isn't really a distinction between chars and text.

aaa! did you read this?

if that's not the reason, what is

because other programming languages use it

so? are we trying to imitate other programming languages?
i personally think it's redundant because you can just use strings

this is being done in snap, with as little JS as possible.

Characters are not the same thing as strings, sure, you can use strings as a workaround for characters, but they are not the same thing

characters are literally just strings, but more limiting! why would you use them?

Why would you want that? That's an horrible idea!