Dutch translation for "Aprenentatge creatiu amb Snap!"

The dutch translation for module 1 of the introduction into Snap! course created by Bernat Romagosa, Josep Ferrandiz en Joan Guillen. Creatief leren met Snap!


I'm happy to see this!
Next year we will add some resources to that materials, in a project called "Creative Learning with Snap! in Context". We want to create a course (with activities around these SCL1 and SCL2) and add more STEAM projects and examples related to our Catalan curriculum.


Looking forward to see the developments in context @jguille2. Thank you.

This is awesome, and such a major undertaking, @horowitz!

Thank you so much, I'm looking forward to your next installments :slight_smile:

Thank you @bromagosa, it’s all for this wonderful Snap! community. My hopes and efforts are to make Snap! more noticeable within the educational establishment.