Cloud server (multiplayer) v2

no both server side and both visual

No, server-side means it's only a bug not seen by users, but a universal bug is a bug that can be seen by users (it affects the server/s and the user/s using it/them). I never said anything about visual.

My understanding is that server-side and client-side refer to where the actual bug is, not to whether it affects users. For example, some time ago we had a server-side bug that resulted in nobody being able to log in! Definitely user visible, but the problem was in the server. If a bug isn't seen by users, arguably it's not a bug at all. :~)

But I've never heard of a "universal bug" so maybe these words have acquired new meanings since I learned them.

Huh. Must've been thinking wrong.

ik what i said. idk where u got that meaning from.

Me neither. Again, must've been thinking wrong.