Cloud server (multiplayer) v2

it works barely. the clone system is not working tho. i need someone to redesign it. also the cloud is buggy because each project rewrites its own values.

Well, I only did it to test, and it does work. Again, I have a few suggestions to make it better:

  1. The draggable thing makes it a pain.
  2. I liked how you could move and rotate in the old one.
  3. Something's wrong with one of the primitives, don't know what's causing it. DEFINITELY has to do with disconnecting.

nothings wrong with my primitives. the server just isnt updating the positions propperly because it keeps rewriting and switching back and forth. I think with the request system i made, i want to try following griffpatch's tutorial on cloud engines. i think it might work

Ah, ok. What about the other 2 suggestions?

that can all be added in the future. and nothing is wrong with the primitive. and idk what draggable thing is

That makes sense.

Some error keeps happening when I disconnect because of a primitive with 4 inputs.

It controls whether you can drag something or not. Click on a sprite, and where the information is there's a box with the word "draggable" there.

the error from disconnecting doesnt matter. and the drag is a quick fix. in reality i just need to work on communications. the idea is to detect who made the change so i dont have the cloud variable switching between 2 different ones

Oh, you mean it switching between a table and the JSON?

no. i mean they are receiving their own information and the others so they arent really working on the same thing. thats why if i check which user made the change i know not to run theirs because it has already been done

Oh, I thought you were talking about the variable switching between the table and the JSON of the table. Sorry for misunderstanding.

its ok

Yeah, thanks. And I don't know whether the variable switching is intended or not.

its not prefered but is required because in reality you cant sore a list

But the old one didn't switch between the table and the JSON of the table. It was just the table.

yes it did

So what happened in between the old one and the new one that led to this "bug" (Don't know if it's a bug, probably is because it didn't happen in the old one)?

the bug was in the old one just didnt show as much because the old one was slower

Huh. I didn't see any JSON in the old one, just weird blank entries and duplicate entries.

i did

Weird, must've been a server-side bug in the old one rather than a universal bug like in the new one.