CaliCreate BETA is out!

CaliCreate is a Music Producing Software inspired by FL Studio and Ableton Live.

(As an actual music producer with songs on all major streaming services (Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, etc.) i will use this to create like sfx for songs or games!)

The demo mode is free or you could (when it comes out) buy a license to unlock everything

In demo you get access to,


3 Loops

In Full Version demo you'll get access to,


5 Loops

3 Instruments

If you would like to give feedback, reply!

This is unfini-


Also just saying,

Snap! runs off of a CC license meaning that everything you make or produce on the website can be copied without payment and everybody has the right to copy it. You can't monetize it though. Try Unity or Godot. You can make money that way.

What he said.

"or you could buy a license to unlock everything."

I was agreeing with you. Sorry that wasn't clear.

Oh alright, sorry about that.

I'm not trying to make a game though, this is a application and i can't seem to find an application developing software.

Application is probably something too broad to find something specific. And a game is a type of application so anything that can make a game should be able to make an application. Idk how experienced you are outside of Snap! but I've been learning Python and it's quite light on syntax. I know using Pygame people have made games in Python so it should be capable for you.

Python is cool, but not really crazy applicable… unless you’re working with physical computing (ie RasPi or like Arduino) or data science (ie Jupyter) or making games (whether through Tkinkter or Pygame).

Really, for an “application” (like a music-making program) a C might be better.

As far as games go, I think that being able to make a video game doesn’t mean you can make a completely different piece of software.

I was just stating that the ability to create a videogame shows that it can probably make other games.
I agree with your recommendations, but imo what's most important is what languages he already knows.

Okay then. Apology accepted.

(I have to post all this stuff for you people because Snap! doesn't let me post 2 posts at the same time)

For sladescar

I used to use Scratch to develop software, mainly small paint programs and some emulators. Then I switched to and coded software via code like HTML (For website applications) or Python (For text-based applications).

I was bad at, so I switched to Unity. I made software using a game engine. I know, it's stupid.

But other companies (small companies, not big companies) like EasyThreed (a company that makes small, sub-$100, and crappy 3D printers) use Unity for their slicer.

I don't know much about it.

Anyways, I soon figured out that you have to pay Unity some of the money you make (You have to buy Unity Pro once you make $100K in annual revenue or more). So I switched to Godot because it was open-source, license free, albeit it does use MIT's license, and you don't have to pay Godot any money whatsoever!

Switch to using Unity if you don't want or aren't making a paid software. Switch to Godot if you want to make your software paid.

For odysseus_ssb

Python is good, yes, but it's not professional enough. I does have a big community making libraries for Python but the coding gets repetitive at some point. Switch to using JAVA, JavaScript, or if you don't like JAVA try C#. Don't use C++ or C yet. They are WAY too advanced for beginners like you or intermediate coders.

For pajamaclaws21

No no no. Don't use Python for Arduino. Use C++ (and Arduino's IDE). They are more powerful and syntax is easier than you think. Coding isn't very repetitive.

What do you mean by that? One software application is always treated the same way as the next software applications. There is no such thing as "different piece of software".


I meant that I see some difference in like GTA V and then Excel. My original comment was that making something (ie GTA V) doesn’t mean you are automatically able to make another, even if they share a similar thread of both being software pieces. Excel and GTA V are very clearly not the same.

Feels kinda assumed…? I didn’t know C++ was available on Arduino. But yeah, the C’s are definitely more suited for making a project more similar to Excel than GTA V than Python.

With the rest of that, yes, C’s are very very powerful. I knew that already :wink:
If you’re not optimizing or just don’t know how to, coding can be repetitive.

I take issue with “like you”, even though it’s not aimed at me… dude, you don’t know what experience this person has. Or maybe you do, and I just missed out on them sharing it(?), but still, that being said, anyone can try out whatever they want.

I don't know where to begin arguing with this.

For starters, all the languages in that paragraph are more the same than different; if you can write your program in one, you can write it in another. (The only exception is JavaScript, which was designed by a Schemer, so it has a real lambda and organizes itself around functions. It also has a hideous syntax, which was forced on him by management.)

So it's pretty much true also that if you can learn one, you can learn another. Python syntax is a little simpler than average (which is good). Java and (especially) C++ syntaxes are a little more complicated than average.

I don't understand "it's not professional enough." Python is by far the most popular language for new software, especially in data science. I don't much like it, myself, because I think treating spaces as syntactically meaningful is asking for trouble, and because it has an intentionally broken lambda. Python is also quickly becoming the language of choice for CS 1 courses at universities.

I don't understand "the coding gets repetitive." That can be said about any programming language; if you basically solve the same problem over and over, you'll find yourself writing the same code over and over. But if you find yourself copy-pasting all the time, it's because you're not taking advantage of abstraction—putting the duplicated code in a procedure instead. This sounds as if you're wrongly attributing to the programming language something about repetitive exercises in a programming course, or a job where you were given the same task repeatedly, or something like that.

Java and C++ both have bizarre elephantine syntaxes, and nobody should ever use them again. In particular, teaching them to children is child abuse. But C, their parent, does have a niche in which it excels, namely, writing an operating system or a programming language compiler, for which you have to deal with the hardware peculiarities of each model of computer. C is great at that because it makes "pointer" a first class data type, which lets you talk about where things are in memory.

In fact, there are universities that teach their CS 1 in C, because they think you have to start at the bottom of the abstraction hierarch, namely the physical hardware, in order to have confidence in the abstractions you later learn to build on that foundation. This used to be a fairly common approach, but these days people are pretty much agreed to start near the top of the abstraction hierarchy. If they want to start at the top, they use Scheme (or Racket, a dialect of Scheme), or perhaps a purely functional language such as ML or Haskell. If they're not quite brave enough to start that high, then they increasingly use Python.

I have taught C to high school students, because my high school had a Unix system, and C is the implementation language of Unix and all its associated utility programs. But I made them learn Logo first, so they could understand what a program looks like before diving into bits and bytes.

And, yeah, "beginners like you" seems a little arrogant to me.

I have done some C++ before because my school used it for Arduino. It was really my first non-block programming but it felt really intricate just to do simple things.

I guess my school did child abuse :/. Idk ewnough about programming languages to really have a say in this debate, but part of my goal is to dabble my toes in enough programming languages that I become very employable for programming. Right now I've already excelled at Math and enjoy programming especially when I feel clever for finding a way to do something.

Oh, employable.

Learn any two of those languages, say Python and JavaScript, and then if you want a job at a place that insists that you know, say, C++, just lie, say you do, and then read a C++ book over the weekend. Moving from one C-family language to another is really no big deal. If you want your mind stretched, learn Haskell or ML.

(I don't know who to reply to)

Just putting this out there, python can be used to create big programs. For example, blender, the 3d modeling software, is particularly written in python. I'm actually currently making a python program (where's my water editor), using tkinter. It's pretty good, but has it's flaws. I agree with @bh, I hate that python requires indents. It is super annoying. I have also found a library called OpenCV which is pretty good for video editing, and I'm pretty sure it's also good for audio editing.

And then I'll what a monad is

Right now at school I'm doing web design so I think I'll use some level of JavaScript although it will probably be very simple.

Employable is important to me but it's not the only thing. I also do programming for the enjoyment.

For me personally, this is not a big deal at all as this is how I would do it anyways when I was writing C++, plus I find indents useful for reading the code. I could see it getting very annoying if you have a lot of nested loops or if statements.

Also for me personally, I enjoy programming concepts more than the languages. I view them in the way you view a canvas if programming concepts are the painter. And I love listening to a good video essay or talk about programming.