I really like how you coordinated the movement with the song, I thought it was cool for each beat how the dino moved across the screen to the rhythm.
This is very impressive! I love how the animations are exactly as they are in the real minecraft game. I also found it cool how you utilized drum patterns for the motifs! I didn't realize that was even an option! I also found your code easy to read and follow which is important, especially for an animation as complex as this one! Great job!
I love Harry Potter and have always thought that the music in all of the movies was fascinating. For my project, I wanted to incorporate some of the iconic motifs that are in Harry Potter to create a little story! I used Harry Potter, Hedwig, and Voldemort as characters and animated them to make them come alive. When each character was introduced, I programmed my project so that it would play each of their famous motifs. I thought that this was a fun project, however, one thing I learned was that in order for everything to go how you envision it, you must spend time on the details. At one point, I had everything playing at once! After I fixed it, I thought it ended up turning out well.