Art & Music - Module 3 (Spring 2023)

Here's a link to the third module, Colorful Patterns: Creating Art in the Style of Pollock:

Create art in the style of the artist Jackson Pollock in this module.
This painting is inspired by randomness and paint strokes. With 5 different colors and 5 different shapes.

I was inspired by Jackson Pollock's "Red Composition" and created lists of colors and brushes based off this piece. I first set my color and brush palettes then created a red background. In my main procedure I randomize the brush size, transparency and position while also selecting a color and texture from my palettes. The procedure then stamps that brush and repeats the process.

I really enjoy the colors and shades you used and the way they contrast with each other.

This painting is inspired by randomness and a cool color palette. In the main procedure, I randomize the size of the dots and lines that are drawn on the canvas. I also make these "tadpole" like shapes that somewhat resemble paint strokes.

I really like the color choice used it, it is very pleasing to the eyes.

I tried to create an abstract look with pastel colors. I used different sizes to make it.

I used my color streak function that I made in class and adjusted the color palette to only include blues and purples to create an abstract painting of random streaks and dots of color.

I went for the Pollock style of splatter/scribble but made it like blue, yellow, and green lighting

I really like the way you played with the splatters and see how your inspiration carried into your art. It looks like something I would see in a museum.

I was attempted to mimic Jackson Pollock's art style with a dark schemed color palette, but with an addition of light colored confetti-like dashes to create a contrast.

I liked how your design was very intricate with the randomness in the placement of scribbles/splatters helping fill the canvas and create a unique design.

I attempted a Pollock-style art piece using random lines, curves, splotches, and a color palette inspired by a lot of his pieces.

The usage of confetti is very cool! A very nice twist on Pollock's art style. The splashes also give off a nice hand-painted feel.

wow! this almost look like the real piece. I like the construction of the botches
The color concept in this painting is inspired by Jackson Pollock's "Magic Evening". I like how he used multiple shades of blue to make his artwork. I wanted to create an abstract design that mimicked fire. I did my best to create what looks like a flame. Similar to "Magic Evening" I restricted my art to mainly reds, oranges, and yellows.

I like how you used different shapes to create a "splatter" effect! There is also a very good use of color theory in your paint selection. It really does look like a Pollock piece!

Beautiful project!