Alligator Simulator

maybe make the map generation first. (Also, they were saying why does it not work.)

I honestly don’t know how to do the map generation stuff.

Noisy sine waves.

Why some waves? Like for the generation?

Undo fourier analysis

They (earth and heli) probably don't know what that is, so you have to explain it to them or link to a webpage that explains it.

That's not helpful, please speak in full sentences and explain what you're talking about.

Yes I don’t I’m not a mathematician.

For the three people above:
Just add random sine waves together

Bump. Also, I want to join.

Ok, we need someone to do the animations for the alligator.

I'm better at coding than art.

I can try,

I was just saying, we need the map/world generator.

Fourier analysis, quite genus I must say.