Continuing the discussion from A Snap! sprite that attempts to help you search the Snap! manual:
How did @cymplecy get access to it despite there being no link to the project?
Continuing the discussion from A Snap! sprite that attempts to help you search the Snap! manual:
How did @cymplecy get access to it despite there being no link to the project?
Do you have a real problem and if so what is it?
Wow okay unnecessary but I reread the post and links are blocked so can you give me the link to the sprite?
I just tested it this works if you enable JavaScript extensions. The file is greater than 10MB so you'll need to download it from Using AI with words and sentences
can you upload it to a github repository so i can download it? I can't visit links
Here it is ai/projects/Manual search.xml at master · ecraft2learn/ai · GitHub
In general is a mirror of x (Devon Peticolas) · GitHub - with a different interface
Here's a better explenation.
is the github pages website for
and if it's just
then the repo is
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