2-dimensional vs 3-dimensional List Formats?

A list of lists is reported as a table.


A three-dimensional list appears in this format:


The inner-most lists now appear as columns rather than rows. Has this format / convention been discussed elsewhere? Can someone point me to the most pertinent discussion / explanation of this representation?

You can understand the data structure much better by viewing it in list mode, right click the table, and then click lost mode.

If you look at the first example as a list, you get this.

This shows that a top-level item is a row, and each item in each list is a column. Taking that into account, this means that if you stick that list in a list, it will be it's own row.

Looking at that in lost mode will produce

Which is just the first example as item 1 of a list. When you double clicked the first column, you were looking at the first row in the first item of this list.

I'm sorry if this may be confusing, I don't really know of a better way to explain this.

This is helpful. Thanks for the walkthrough.

Just to add to what @ego-lay_atman-bay said

It does get confusing when trying to view anything more than a 2D list

I sometimes do a json of to visualise what is going on inside list of lists of lists if the individual items are alphanumeric


Yes, the json does make it easier to visualize the nested lists. (Thanks)

In the APL library and in the List Utilities library is the PRINTABLE block:

Better than JSON for human-readability because it doesn't have all those annoying quotation marks.

In your original example, the list icon represents a one-dimensional list, so it looks like any other one-dimensional list.

APL (real APL, not our library) displays an m x n x k list as m arrays of n x k, separated by blank lines.