(remixed from @bloct's project. bloct's forum topic is here)
Here's the project.
Oh and you can make any automata you want. (There are some presets, such as Rules 30 and 90.)
How i can draw the pattern 62 by example
Rule 62... I don't know. I'll see what the truth table for it is.
Why it's not like the photo ?
By the way, very interesting !
Ok i found how to get this design (one pixel in the center of the 1st line)
Can you help me, step by step, to create a new rule. Can you create the rule 126 (see some rules)
Thank you !
Oh, interesting, this is sort of a generalization of Sierpinski gaskets!
Sure! I'll make a truth-table thing.
Edit: Done! Just put the binary of the rule number in the empty slots of this:
However, beware! It's very slow.
I will give it a try tomorrow thks
lost of speed compare to yesterday
computing the true table before the repeat block improve the process
1 time against 360 * 480 times...
i like the new method, you can easyly compute any rule !
Yeah... I have that now. (reload the project)
To gain more speed, i don't know if you can replace this:
by an update in a matrix (rgba) and after the full process, transform this matrix in a costume to finally show this costume.
But what do I do with the costume? Stamp it? Stamping loses precious aliasing. (opposite of antialiasing)