From what I know about discourse, the "Trust level 3" level, "Regular", actually can be lost if you're not very active.
But, on the other hand, Scratch has cloud variables (which could bog down the server, and can also be used to create illegal chat rooms), and that is one of the major things that "New Scratchers" can't use. If had cloud variables, I could see wanting to restrict that for longer than the time that uses for the "New user". However, this is not the case.
I can understand that you might feel that way, but does it really matter? Maybe you're seeing something I'm not, but I haven't seen much in terms of bots or spammers on the forum. As I like to say, why change something that already works?
Many people call it "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
I think Snap! Has cloud variables too.
Snap doesn't officially have cloud variables, but many users have created their own using the url block and the mqtt library.
Scratch was designed for 8-year-olds. (I mean, it was designed for a range of ages, but they had in mind that there would be a lot of 8-year-old Scratchers.) Snap! was designed for 15-year-olds (12 and up, really, but we were expecting mainly high school users). So we have higher expectations of the (minimum) maturity of our users than they do!
The New User level in the forum is to protect against truly malevolent adults, not against immature kids. And it applies only to the forum; there's no level hierarchy in Snap! itself.
That makes sense.
The only three that matters are "New user", "Basic user", and "Leader"
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