Why are signatures removed?

Oh mah gosh(that was a lot of typing XD), I am with you! I will help moderate this site too!

Alright fine. I will stay.
But I'm just going to forget about all the new rules (it's too much to keep in mind anyway) and if I do anything wrong, it will be your call to ban me.

@bh @jens
When I had an unpleasant time on Scratch, Snap welcomed me. I understand that Snap is a programming site, not a teenage drama chat site. I understand how much the moderators work to provide us with a program that teaches us coding, and I understand how irritating it is when this site isn't used for coding, but rather, as a coffee shop. I understand how the other users feel, how their Snap forum has been inundated with rants, flamewars, and drama. I understand that we have been given not 1, not 2, but multiple chances to redeem ourselves, yet we complained and didn't see this as an opportunity to improve ourselves. I love Snap, I don't want users to leave because of my drama. So I apologize on behalf of all drama I have been apart of. Not only has this drama divided Snap, it also severely emotionally impacted me as well. I understand that the forums are a privilege, not a right, to be in.
I will not leave Snap. This site will forever be in my heart as a site that accepted me, regardless of my political beliefs. I owe much debt to Snap for allowing me to express my political beliefs in a safe environment, something that Scratch failed to do.
All I just want to say is that I am sorry.

Welp, guess I'm staying....even though I helped destroy the old forums....I still don't like how I am not gonna be able to make collaborations...it's gonna be 100x harder to collab because

  1. We can't communicate with each other about what to do, so we have to C O N S T A N T L Y make collections and projects to communicate.

  2. Not all people use the forums now...but when they do later, they are going to be very mad there isn't a collab category.

  3. I don't know how in the world you is saying people were even able to make collabs before the forums existed, because people can't collab if they can't talk/communicate with their team, don't have a live editor.

  4. Collabs are now going to be un-neat, because everyone needs to decide what they are gonna do, and without the forums, everyone is probably going to do the same exact thing, due to the fact they cannot communicate.

So there, I said it, it's done. But it's not like any of our voices matter anyways, because you are still gonna delete the collab category.
But it's unfair, because some of us were actually trying to work in the collab, for example: look at team Among Us, they were doing perfectly fine in the old forums, and now it's basically quiet. I actually tried to help in the collabs, too, I made an background animation for Dooble's collab, I was the special effects artist, but I guess working together is now not an option....all because people ruined it for all of us...

sigh...why am I even wasting my time into typing so much...it's basically useless...nobody's going to listen...None of our voices matter.