Who wants to collab for a horror game? (Part 6)

Actually I have something I need

Can someone make a new note texture that reads
“The shadows appearance is purely a facade our minds think because they cannot comprehend its true form”

I need it

Oh wait, if you guys need any help with pen, I could do whatever it is.

Ok I’ll give you a tutorial on how to use my shader blocks

Set [color v] shader to ()::looks

The way they work is by hiding the main sprite
Taking a snapshot of the stage (with another block I made)
Applying the effect to that costume
And then making it go to the front layer

Whenever you use the shader effect, it hides the sprite doing it when taking the screenshot, so anything underneath it will still be captured
To make a constantly updating shader do this

Set [color v] shader to ([color v] effect::looks) ::looks


So, how do you want to repel Aiden
Also I implemented the hidden graphic effects (confetti and comic) to my shader system

I was thinking you use the floodlight to momentarily blind him.

That sound good?


I just added an “update shaders” block

hey guys

Alright. I was think the screen would flash colors over static, but I don't want to trigger any epilepsy.


sorry i was in ohio yesterday I saw 2 porches and mazarati , a maclaren and a rolls royce. And in the mall i was in there was gucci and luio vutton

also ill make my own The Search Fandom because I cant access yalls

Why is that?

Is probably still being verified

Add epilepsy warnings and an option to the menu

its BLOCKED :angry:


ive also been working on a secret

Wait, have you coded an options menu yet?

It got blocked because someone vandalized the page

Whoever added TikTok to the main wiki page remove it…