What is NetsBlocks?

The title explains it all.

just like scratchpi

It's a fork of Snap! that emphasizes Internet communication, both for getting information from web APIs (such as the most recent 100 tweets!) and for multiuser projects. Teachers like it because it allows two people on two computers to edit the same project at once, like Google Docs; this has been particularly important over the past year of virtual classrooms.

One problem is that it's forked from a rather old version of Snap!, so it doesn't have the newer features, such as hyperblocks. Jens has been working for a while now on building a Scratch-ish extension feature, so that forks of Snap! (of which there are at least a dozen) can stay current.

(Edit: Forgot to indicate this screenshot was from NetsBlox. Whoops)

Oh! That's from NetsBlox? Maybe they've updated recently. Thanks.

What is the "login with Snap!" option in the NetsBloxs editor?

Click on it and find out :slight_smile:

Ok, so it links your Snap! account?

Idk I haven’t clicked it yet I thought it would load your projects.

it links your snap account, but doesn't show a list of your snap projects. (Edited)

Ah ok.

However I was able to export a Snap! project, and then import it back into NetsBlox.

There was one of my custom blocks that was broken, and I had to repair/rebuild that part, took a little while to debug and find the problem. But mostly the export/import worked well