What exactly is this number?

(I realized I saved it with the 1 at the end)

The floating point value there is much more precise than the 18-digit value you get if you add 0 to it, so I don't see how changing the last digit would effect it.

On Edge (Chromium) and Firefox I have the same results as @ego-lay_atman-bay. I also changed my display scale to 100% and the result was the same.

Maybe this may help: My computer rounds .0117187495343387118248990041 to 0.011718749534338711, and .0117187495343387118248990042 to 0.011718749534338713.

What OS?

Oh I forgot to mention. I'm on x64 Windows 10.

the problem occurs for me in chrome and firefox (win7)

The problem happens to me in firefox on Ubuntu

It seems to occur on Ubuntu and Windows 7 but not Windows 10--can someone test it on Mac?

I just tested it on my ipad pro, ios 15.3.1, and it works fine. The issue isn't there.

Edit: and it works fine on my andoid phone

Ok--editing my previous post.

It does for me too