Ways of representing numbers

For instance, this:


is the specification for a way of representing any integer. Some generated results:

2^(2^(0+0)+0+0)+2^(0)+0+0+0 = 3
0+0+0+2^(2^(2^(0+2^(0+0+0+0+0+0+0)))) = 16
2^(0) = 1
0+2^(2^(0+0))+2^(2^(0+2^(2^(2^(0)))))+0+0+2^(0)+0+2^(0+0)+2^(2^(2^(0+0+0+2^(2^(0))+2^(2^(0))+0+2^(2^(2^(0+2^(0+0)+2^(2^(2^(0+0+2^(2^(0)))+0+0)))))+0+2^(0)+2^(0)+2^(2^(0+2^(0))))))+2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(0))+0))+2^(0))+0+2^(0) = 196613+2^(2^(2^(10+2^(2^(2^(65537))))))
0 = 0

Then there's my favorite (not counting Church numerals), biquinary, in which decimal digits are represented by exactly two bits on, out of five (so there are 5×4/2=10 possible choices).The bits have numeric values 0, 1, 2, 4, and 7; two of these will add up to any digit 1-9, but the digit 0 is exceptionally represented as 4+7. (Wikipedia uses the name "biquinary" for a different, seven-bit code, but I was taught that it meant the code described in the first article.)

(The point of this strange system is that it has some redundancy in it -- four bits are more than enough for decimal digits -- and in the old days computer memory was prone to failure.)


I'm moving to the account @warpedwartwars, as can be seen in the post I just posted here on that account. (said post needs approval because I made the account about an hour or two ago. (except now it doesn't because it has been approved.))

screenshot of me logged in as warpedwartwars

(black because otherwise it'd defeat the purpose of having it be approved to be seen.)

(I'm now switching to this account; @warped_wart_wars is now my alt.)

I've forgotten how exactly to read barcodes.