Using a Raspberry Pi Camera with Snap!

Has anyone here had success running Snap! or a Raspberry Pi and using the camera module to capture video?

We have a Raspberry Pi 4, running the most recent version of Raspbian, and we've connected it to a Raspberry Pi Camera V2 module. We can get the camera to work from the OS terminal, but when we try to access it using the sensing blocks in Snap, we get an error message asking us to make sure the browser is up to date. Raspbian uses the Chromium browser, which appears to be up to date, so we're wondering if Snap has known issues with the browser or if there's something else we may be missing.


Make sure Chromium can see the Pi Cam.

You need to make sure to get chromium to get the camera video. That is really the only thing you have to worry about, as the browser will handle getting it to work in snap.

I don't think that has to do with the camera

I know. I just thought that they might have an outdated version of chromium.

Oh! That reminds me!

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade chromium-browser

they said in their original post that the browser was up to date

They said that they thought it was up-to-date, but yeah.

Pi Camera not found by chromium-browser on Pi 4 @

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