The "Set Instrument" command provides access to four waveforms by default (sine, sawtooth, etc.). Is there a way to use a sampled sound as an instrument?
Unless you have that instrument you want and made sample sounds of it, those are only available instruments. If you want Snap! to include more instruments, ask them.
The "Play Sound at _____ kHz" command can play back sampled sounds at different rates. For example, the note A4 recorded from a guitar is 440 Hz when played back at the default rate of 44.1 kHz. The frequency doubles to 880 Hz (i.e, A5 - one octave higher) when played back at 88.2 kHz.
The index below lists the rate that plays back the sampled sound at frequencies corresponding to the notes in the octave from A4 to A5.
MIDI # Note Playback
69 A (440 Hz) 44100.00
70 A# (466 Hz) 46722.35
71 B (494 Hz) 49500.55
72 C (523 Hz) 52444.02
73 C# (554 Hz) 55562.49
74 D (587 Hz) 58866.48
75 D# (622 Hz) 62366.82
76 E (659 Hz) 66075.33
77 F (698 Hz) 70004.34
78 F# (940 Hz) 74167.08
79 G (784 Hz) 78577.28
80 G# (831 Hz) 83249.67
81 A (880 Hz) 88200.00
An example of this method used to play the opening notes of the song "Thunderstruck" can be accessed at: