For those who don't like/want to read a lot
Just to summarize:
I tried to make Sebastian Lague's simulated computer in Snap!.
I failed horribly when I got to the 4-bit adder. (Post 1, post 2)
I just started another attempt yesterday.
Everything is working out great this time. (For now...)
See how I said, "for now"? Yeah, something went wrong.
Anyways, BH (my savior) gave me an idea to fix it, and it's all working again.
Okay, so remember when I needed a whole lot of help with mainly creating a 4-bit binary adder? (If you don't, here are the forum posts I made on this stuff.)
Well, somehow, when I started another attempt at recreating Sebastian Lague's simulated computer, everything worked immediately.
I am not done with this project. In fact, I've only recreated everything from his first video. I do have a feeling that I may need help with some functions because from what I know, (from watching the whole playlist 5 times already,) I bet that the code is going to become way more complicated. (So be ready.)
Anyways, I just wanted to say this, because I'm very excited to be working on this, and to have it all finally working. I'm now on the second video in Sebastian's playlist, meaning I'll be working on memory. Have a nice day/night for now!
The project containing the blocks.
4/28 7:54 PM
Okay. I might've screwed something up by accident...
Yes, I said everything was working, and it was. Now, after putting everything in a custom category, the ALU isn't working...
I think my issue is that when there's no boolean input, it turns into a 0, and the ALU gets confused when trying to add 0's to boolean inputs.
4/29 8:55 AM
Problem (sort of) solved by BH, even though I did something different. As long as it works, I guess.
Now I will move on to memory. Thanks, @bh!