Unit 3 Lab 1 Take it further help

How the heck do u animate it?? can someone guide me?

what? can you post a link, project, or screenshot? (im pretty sure the directions told you to do that)

but anyway, we are not allowed to help you with your homework.

We can't do their homework, but we can use it as a way to teach them!

The problem suggests that you use a FOR loop to create the frames of the animation. You can use WAIT (1) SECS (in the Control category) to pause between frames. The animation will be smoother if you put the code to draw each frame inside a WARP block so each frame appears all at once.

Where is this?


Click on "Take It Further."

by the looks of it, you'll want to use a for ((i)) = (1) to (10){ } block and then use (i) to generate values for use in the animation

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