Turn order system is having some problems

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So I'm making a turn based rpg style game but the turnorder system as it is right now is having issues, the main one being that characters will be taken off the turnorder and another smaller issue being that the character labeled as 4 shows up as 4(2) in the list as well

For the issue of 4 showing up as 4(2), I have tried reinforcing so it'll only show as 4 but that didn't work. When it comes to things being randomly deleted, I made it so the spd variable which decides where in the turnorder they go will increase by one if another character is already in that position

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that's because the character named "4" already exists. So it'll become "4(2)".

but how do you decide which character will increase his spd by 1 ?

I know that but where in the code does it cause that

this in the battleorder block
Screenshot 2024-01-11 121912

The parent of that sprite is named "4", when the children is named it cannot be the same name of the parent, so it'll be displayed as "4(2)".

ok thats fixed, but 4 is now just randomly not showing up in the battleorder list

any battleorder that contains 4 is having issues

actually nvm, just needed to reload

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