I tried to do this project as a use of reporters, but it says the reporter did not report. I thought that was it's job.
Get it wrong to find the error.
The else clause will never run, as the expression <false>
will never be true.
Your problem is that you set the else if condition to false, making it not run. It needs to be
if <(answer) = [1]> { report <<true>> } else if <t> { report <<false>> } @delInput @addInput
This is basically just doing
if <> { ... } else { if <t> { ... } }
Then again, if you're just doing a simple check like this, it's even easier to just do
report <(answer) = [1]>
Got it!
Check it now
still no work
change the custom block definition to report <(answer) = [1]
That is because you are using the <is answer 1> boolean that you made, which still has the definition:
if <(answer)=[1]>{ report <<true>> }else if <f>{ report <<false>> }@delInput@addInput
"Else if false" will never trigger, because false is never true.
So how do I fix it?
flip the switch after else if
, or just report <(answer) = [1]>
That's what I did.
Well you didn't save the project.
You need to flip the switch in your custom block definition as well as in your code. This will work:
So will this:
You could also have done:
(Is answer 1?) :: define+ report (if <(answer) = [1] $delInput $verticalEllipsis $addInput> then [Correct!] else [Nope.])
That makes sense, but it still does not work! I think I am doing something wrong.
You haven't saved, so we can't see what's wrong. You still have the else if false.
Now I have!
As I have repeatedly said, just change the block definition to
report <(answer) =[1]
Also you have not saved the project…
Is not the same as:
The second one is the one you should be using. You accidentally flipped the wrong switch ;).