Tileset Platformer Engine

I know what you're thinking: "Oh, another DevSquare conundrum with multiple topics about the game engine!"

Well, this time things are different.

I have made a tileset platformer engine that can make objects out of tiles.

Here it is: Snap! Build Your Own Blocks

This platformer engine is bare-bones, and I only have one block that can render scenes. So stay tuned for more! I'll also try to help you AS MUCH as I can!


Render block

In the Render block, there are two inputs for two different variables: "tileX" and "tileY".

The minimum you can put into "tileX" is 0 and the maximum you can put into "tileX" is 12.
The minimum you can put into "tileY" is 0 and the maximum you can put into "tileY" is 8.8.

There are also two other variables that come before "tileX" and "tileY". The first variable/input is for the number indicating the costume number. Let's say that the Grass tile is #3, so I can just put "3" into the first input that indicates the costume number.
In the next input, you have to put the "object" block with the object containing the Tile Palettes.


You MUST always have turbo mode on, have a delay block of 0.01 seconds, and clear the scene if you have a moving character OTHERWISE the player would always leave a trail of clones. We don't want that.

Of course, having turbo mode on will make collisions borderline impossible. So see if you can think of a solution.

But trust me, without turbo mode, I would have gotten a lawsuit from you or your parents about me giving you a seizure. I don't want lawsuits against me because I'm poor and broke in money.

You have to make your tiles the size of the Black Tile in the "TileCostumes" sprite.

Here's an example of a platformer I made using this tileset engine: Snap! Build Your Own Blocks

I'd like to see all your opinions on this project!

It didn't take long to make, but opinions are worth it!

I'm currently designing a game with the TileSet Platformer Engine and it is super easy to use, and I was able to make Kinematic Gravity easier than I did in DevSquare.

I need help thinking of some more block ideas and such. I can't think of any.

Also I need help with coding them as well.

What is the point of the untitled script pic (3) block if it just reports its raw input?

It reports an input for blocks that don't have number inputs.

May I have a list of blocks that just inputting a number doesn't work?

There's the SWITCH TO COSTUME block, and some others.


This does the exact same as


I do not see why the number block is necessary.

It isn't necessary there, but there are other blocks it's necessary in.

This block in the "Snap4Arduino" project is a "digitalWrite" block, and digitalWrite commands are supposed to also include number inputs so that you can change the analog voltage of something like an LED. However, this block doesn't have a number input so you can't change the analog voltage of the pin.

But now that I made the "number" block,

I can put a number input.

Ah. I see.

What does that have to do with a tileset platformer engine? Does it even work? Why don't you just use analogWrite?

Here are the posts that should have solved your question(s)...

If you don't know, @sqoosh was asking what the number block does and why I needed it, and so I gave them an example for a block that needed the number block.

But why did you include the block in Snap! 7.1.4 - Build Your Own Blocks?