The first tilt project?

I think I made the first snap tilt project in the new update it’s called cyber shoot!

Good start :slight_smile:
I had to alter the code a tiny bit as it was needing me to tilt forward and back instead of side to side

FYI I was using an Android phone in portrait mode as I find that's the best way to run Snap! projects on it

It's not the first tilt project, but it's still a pretty cool project, good job!

cool project, though you might want to replace hand-drawn text with text from the fancy text costumes library. I don't think it's the very first tilt project, but still nice. also, the script forever { set [an x position variable V] to (x position) } is unnecessary because you can [x position V] of [sprite V] or ask [sprite V] for ((x position) @>) @:> .

Than what is the first tilt project?

Well, the project jens showcases here or this one.

But it'a not a competition, it's just great that people are already making some cool projects with the new tilt block.