A goofy little project im working on its not finished and probably never will. Includes many Foundation Facilities, Nexuses, and SCPs from the SCP universe(s)https://snap.berkeley.edu/project?username=carter2210&projectname=The%20earth%20from%20the%20eyes%20of%20the%20Foundation%20%7c%20An%20SCP%20world%20mapMove the camera by using WASD, zoom in and out using Q and E. Pushing space will reveal a "Further research:" list, with links to articles with info on the location
If you have any suggestions for stuff for me to add, reply with it and ill add it
Also, fun fact: I made some images just for some of the markers, they are in a collapsible due to being mostly unrelated
SCP-1678 - Unlondon
Brasil/Hy-Brasil (AKA Nx-03)
SCP-6011 - Flat Earth
FP-01 - Three Portlands
SCP-3081 - H A N D M I L K ™
SCP-093 - Red Sea Object
(all of them use images that are under ccbysa scp licensing team please dont kill me)