Survey: What's your favorite thing to do on Snap or the forums when bored?

Hello. I want to conduct a series of surveys and post the results in a project in a few weeks from now.
The first question is, what's your favorite thing to do on Snap when bored? Put your answer in a [summery] thing as to not influence other's answers.

My answer

Personally, I like to read old, long forum threads (today it was this)

I would say making Snap projects.

(a thing)


[details=(a thing)] hi [/details]

My Answer

Teching myself about things I take for granted on other platforms.

My answer

Apply CSS filters & animations to Snap!'s world canvas. All your blocks turn grey and the canvas is dancing! All good fun here.

My answer

I like to play with my geography projects, especially:
Nation Capitals Quiz
Flag Quiz


been quite a while. i really began to love making custom block in mathematics and such, and eventually from there moved on to Replit (which as I found out today is sort of run down). anyways i've quit programming its been a very long time i opened the forum up today out of curiosity :slight_smile:
ps. from what i remember the best thing to do was browse on this forum and I think I was very annoying for constantly asking questions lmao
from here I moved on to the Replit Ask forum (rip I learned today) and became L3 (it was like a nerfed moderator) on 2 different occasions (lost it due to interesting reasons) then kinda quit after that
sorry I am just getting nostalgia lol

My Answer

Find ideas for Snap*!* blocks.

My answer

I love attempting to recreate projects based off real apps like contacts apps. However, I lose interest on the vast majority of my projects really swiftly. I am currently working to remake the NYT Connections game.

I sometimes theme Snap! by renaming its primitive blocks too.


In case it wasn't clear, in HTML, <details> creates a collapsible and <summary> is used for titles of collapsibles. In the markup language used in the forums, [details] is based off the HTML element, but unlike HTML, the summary is declared within the details tag instead of as a separate element. [details="Summary"]

You can also format <summary> unlike [details].


  <summary><b>Format</b> <i>Example</i></summary>


oh it's been a while bro

Thank you for your answers everyone. Expect another one later today.

Welcome back :slight_smile: