focus on the

The list should only have two items, but there's three. Can this be fixed?
Could you send a script pic so we can get the same script you're using?
If you don't know, if you create a script pic by right clicking the script in the snap editor, you can then drag the image into snap to get the blocks from the image. This also works with a result pic.
I agree this must be an error.
To illustrate this: if one adds an empty slot to the list, the result is more or less the same:
What doesn't help is there's no online help text (or any user-level documentation at all) for the this
block, so we can't even be sure what the result should have been.
I thought you were
just use the old versions!
I think you've made your point clear already... seriously.
Interesting. I once had an error where reporting the caller of the caller would instead report an unrelated global variable containing a list after the custom block being moved once. On its first placement/move, it would report the correct thing.
At least I’ve been consistent
… oh, no, you’re right: I had announced I would stop bringing up this issue again and again.
because there are 2 list slots. why not just ignore the last one
for some reason when there is a block in the second it will report a blank space added to it. the easy thing would be to ignore it
These aren't any official blocks from any official library, right?
right. But what's the point of all of this, what are you trying to accomplish?
Tis a good question... I'm not the OP.
I was going to try seeing if they were identical, no. use list block then put it on the collapse of is identical no. see what happens if i use the list block but omit identical block, what?
Hi Jens: just enjoy yourself at FOSDEM and don't bother with this sort of stuff
@neversaynever apparently stumbled on a Snap! bug, and was bringing it to the staff's attention. It's up to the staff to decide if the bug is important enough to try and fix it. How is that a problem?
However, jens might not want to focus on fixing a snap bug while he's out at a conference (it's a conference, right?).
I think, but depends on your definition of conference.
why are the quotes small
to save precious screen space