Strange bug causing corrupted program

wait, did you manage to get the full project saved? Of did you add a bunch of code, then the bug occured?

No originally the code glitched and I had to manually import all the sprites again and it was very annoying. Now I've added a bunch of code but the bug occours very very often and was annoying to have to save every minute or so because the bug happens about every 5 mins for me. Also if I accidently save when the bug is happening you end up with a project where all the sprites are gone like above.

basically the bottom code is my backup

The only reason I can think of what might be causing the bug is a browser extension. What os and browser are you using, and if you have any browser extensions, do they have access to the snap page?


yeah, those warnings are not an issue.

Uh, I encountered something like this, after messing with Jens's "Arrange Sprites" program

after getting a large amount of lag, I clicked the stop button, waited a few seconds, and it didn't stop all the way. I clicked it a few more times and noticed some of the text looked corrupted.

may you please send me the program?