Sprites names

Hi, can you display the sprites name on 2 lines plz, 9-10 char isin't enough...

the names of these sprites are "visible button" and "submit button"

maybe display it like this:

look at this project, it's not easy to find the right sprite with the name:

Maybe use short names.

I feel like that could potentially lead to some super unreadable / ugly code.

A visual clue about the sprite or Hungarian-like notation?
Booth seems to be practical and beneficial in the long run.
You can also reorder sprites to group them based on their purpose.
A single sprite with multiple costumes may handle similar use cases.
Of course, it's a matter of personal preferences...

You may try this user script to display a sprite name as a hint (when you hover over sprite icon)

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Snap! Sprite name hint
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.0
// @description  Snap! Sprite name hint
// @author       DarDoro@Snap || Snap
// @match        https://snap.berkeley.edu/snap/snap.html
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

SpriteIconMorph.prototype._init ||= SpriteIconMorph.prototype.init;

SpriteIconMorph.prototype.init = function( aSprite){
  this._init( aSprite);
  this.hint =  () => {
        let parent = '';
        if( aSprite?.exemplar)
             parent = '\n'+localize('parent') + ':\n' + aSprite.exemplar.name;
        return aSprite.name+parent;


Cool hack, thk !

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