I'm making a Minecraft tool, as I've stated in this post , and I've created some splashes that references a few things in the community!
Splash text
Don't tell Brian you switched to VIM!
Brian Harvey dislikes VIM.
Now with lambda!
Snap! uses lambda rings in projects.
I am Pig Latman!
Reference to @ego-lay_atman-bay, an active forum user.
Check out the new Snapblocks!
was recently added to the forums.
Made with the most advanced "Scratch ripoff"!
Many people assume that Snap! is just a ripoff of Scratch.
0.1 + 0.2 contains 4!
Adding 0.1 to 0.2 in Snap! returns 0.30000000000000004.
Never trust the undo button!
The undo broken is sort of broken.
No gameplay edition!
No gameplay is featured in this tool.
The enderman stole that last text!
In Minecraft, Endermen can steal blocks and relocate them.
Wait, it's all SVG?
MUIC (the project) uses SVG to create UI elements. Also a reference to the "Wait, it's all ___? Always has been." meme.
Apostrophes lead to catastrophes!
Snap! used to break when using apostrophes in labels. This is somewhat fixed.
Both Snap! and Minecraft use blocks. How silly!
Here's the current visual state:
I haven't added any function to the buttons yet, but I'm constantly updating it.
lmao "Copyright nonexistent."
whoa, i love this!!! if only i knew how to do this :3
Thank you so much! And welcome to the community. We hope you enjoy your stay!
well i hope i do too lol!
I'd see a classical
Reference being Snap*!* uses JS which has the infamous "bug" (it's just JS having a hard time)
Good idea, I'll add this in as "0.1 + 0.2 contains 4!"
I asked AI to write funny splash text relating to Snap! and this is what it made:
Semicolons not included!
Infinite clones incoming!
Undo button: chaos guaranteed!
Another day, another Snap crash!
Community site: Not secure!
It really does feel like Snap! , especially
because everyone knows that the undo-redo system blows.
Semicolons not included!
This is the only one that doesn't even make sense for snap. Of course there's no semicolons in snap, and there was never an issue with them. In fact, it probably should be something like, "apostrophes break the editor", because apostrophes in block labels do break the editor, or at least they did before snap started to just remove them from the block label when you edit a block (at least that bug is finally kind of fixed now).
i did not write that,
I asked AI
that said its still a block language and block languages don't have semicolons
If you guys have any references to Snap! , Scratch, Minecraft, etc... then please give me a list! I would be happy to add them!
Block Based!
Explanation: both snap/scratch and minecraft are block-based
Added in the official build. It won't show up on the alpha version yet.
That isn't JS's fault. All software using floats have that problem.
Yeah but it's mostly popularized in JS for some reason