Some sort of text/list manipulation block (?)

I saw this online and I dont get what this does (the result is in german).

at first i was confused by the DISTRIBUTION block but then I tried it and it seems these are the same:

untitled script pic(21)

(the last one is from the frequency distribution analysis library) which is really weird, because that is the second block I noticed in a non-user contributed library which has a primitive that does the same thing. (the other instance is the list comprehension library)

but anyway, I was mainly confused about the script.

It's not weird, the block was originally in the library, it was only added as a primitive later.

ah ok. but it should still be removed. (although they need to keep the extension primitive)

I guess from a text (= the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood, in German) all groups of n (= 4) consecutive words are taken. Some groups are present more than once, and they are presented first, the final number of each row denotes its frequency.

The idea is to find common phrases from a text, e.g., for use in a predictive text completion algorithm. You type "the quick" and it suggests "brown fox."

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