SnipOS 4 - "Simple 4 You"

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Developed by Hyposyn Software/Hyposyn Studios

Using HypoEngine360 Rendering for animations.

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This is an amazingly huge project! It's very well done.

I ran into some things I couldn't do:

I tried to change the background and it gave me a pen to paint with but didn't actually do anything with what I drew. What I really wanted to do was use the background from my computer, i.e., copy a file into the project.

Similarly, I wanted a way to save documents I wrote in your editor and to save pictures that I painted. What this really means is that I want a filesystem inside the program. Maybe that could be done with browser store?

In the paint program I wanted to use tools other than the pen (rectangle, circle, all those things).

In the browser, I could do a google search (there should be a duckduckgo option, or more generally, a home page choice) but when I clicked on a result, nothing happened. (I want it to load the page!)

In the calculator, I wanted to use the result of one computation as input to another computation, e.g., (2+3)*4.

its really just snaperdoodle with the logo replaced.
as of right now there is no option to open the page

Ah. I think all or most of the "apps" are contributions from other people's projects.

I guess that's sensible as a security thing, but maybe it should be allowed from known friendly sites (such as

Thank you so much!! I will try my best to add your requests!

I see the problem, The drawing was for a different option in "Custom Features Settings."
I must have accidently saved the wrong version, It has been fixed now! :slight_smile:

I can do that! ill be updating it later today with more features!

Ah, that's more like it!

@sladescar Do you agree with this? If so, or even if there are added features, it should be marked as a remix.

Yes, i have said it is a modded version of Snaperdoodle and its considered a Remix

Thank you.

I think I might be able to contribute to the drawing program.


he needs to sign up for the hyposyn dev program


I can do that, but even if I didn't couldn't it just be a contribution?

do you want to be credited or not

I would like that if it gets used.

if and when it gets used, your going to be added to the team