SnapProjectEmbed, a new extension developed by me and @grahamsh has been approved and installed by Miraheze. It allows embedding Snap! projects using the <snap> tag .
Loading a project with default width and height: <snap project="project-name" user="user" /> Loading a project with custom width and height: <snap project="project-name" user="user" width="width" height="height" />
A big thank you to @grahamsh for all his help and mw-embedScratch (a Scratch Wiki-developed extension for similar purpose) contributors which was our design inspiration.
Source Code
This extension is open source and licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3.0 or later. You can find the source code on GitHub.
We do not have any problem with it being "very simple" or using PHP as long as it a) does our work and b) does not have any security vulnerabilities. If you want to contribute to the code, then you can send a Pull Request on our repo. Besides, unconstructive criticism does not help.