Snappit mod

Snappit is a mod I’m working on that adds canvas context api blocks and makes snap! Look better and it also adds some other features that I’m thinking about
Still in beta(not ready to release) but added simple canvas context api blocks except fillRect and others
And also changed the look of the mod look at the screenshots I will update the screenshot soon

Sounds cool!


I really wonder what is this app you're using :thinking:

I was wondering that too!

Working copy on iPad it allows you to create repos and send them to gith7b and it also allows you to run .html files and supports different files and you can also import a repo by using the clone repo

the OP can edit their original post to create a changelog.

that's actually something i was thinking about a while ago

Oh, you mean an actual snap mod? At this point, whenever someone mentions they're making a mod, I usually think block library, because that's usually what they actually mean. Nice job!

Imagine using Siririr as a ChatGPT

Oh, okay.