Snapp! Author App problem (Mac)

I do not get that, but I just had to have a chit chat

cd: no such file or directory: 3D
zsh: no such file or directory: ./3D cube

Stupid mac

Hmm, I guess you don't do turkeys in Australia, but you must stuff something... lobster tails? Baarramundi?

Oh, now i get it

Okay. Is the application still on your desktop? If so,

cd ~/Desktop
cd 3D\
cd Contents
cd MacOS
./3D\ cube

If not, put it someplace and leave it there and we'll talk some more. :~)

The last line failed (cd MacOS ./3D\ cube)

Wait that's two lines. Did the cd MacOS fail? Or did the ./3D\ cube fail?

cd: no such file or directory: MacOS
zsh: no such file or directory: /3D cube

Oh how interesting! Okay, when you're in Contents, just do ls and send me the result.

(that's a lower case LS, not a one or anything.)


That's it? There's only one file in Contents? Well, see if you can cd nwjs and then ls again.

Wait I re did it again and

Frameworks	Info.plist	MacOS		PkgInfo		Resources

Ah! Awesome! Finally we get somewhere... now

cd MacOS

and see what you get.

Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 8.03.18 pm

Okay then, when you're in MacOS,


aaaaahhhhh my terminal closed!!

zsh: killed ./nwjs
and it open the app but it failed to verify the developer

Oh well. I was hoping this would avoid the verify-the-developer check, but apparently not. Sorry. Send Apple a complaining email.

P.S. Isn't it past your bedtime? ;~P

Nah, some times it is 8:30 to 9:00. But my family is watching some sort of cooking show called masterchef