SnapForks Official (Part 1)

If you want to build the Max OS X app, make sure to install Node.js.

Ok, and today I am not going to code, so I will help tomorrow but
I have school

what do I have to do to complete the mac app?

First, install Node.js.
Then, download the source code, extract it, then open up the terminal and cd to where the source code is.
Then, run npm install and npm run dist:mac.

About converting to python,you will also need quite a lot of modules to recreate the blocks


Sorry node.js isnt working correctly, I cant make the app.

:fork_and_knife: SnapForks is down :hammer_and_wrench:

From @danielthebanana4

Umm .. I am having trouble making the SnapForks Player work, It seems broken.
If you have time can you report to the Github repo and check the javascript and ect.
Could you help @programmer_user?

I would help.

That's because you changed the element ids.

@programmer_user for the app can we scrap the mac version. I have now switched to a Windows 10

Also I have tried to open the app but Microsoft is not allowing me to open the app because of potential viruses.

You can run the installer from inside the zip archive. electron-builder has a history of false positives with Windows Defender, I've scanned the executable with VirusTotal and it seems fine.


Archive Snapforks?
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Sadly but yes

Today is the due date of snapforks discontinuement. No future updates or bug fixes from me are going to come. I plan looking away from snapforks.


I did check it out and it doesn’t work but can’t you try to fix it??