That's 9am-1pm in California, noon-4pm in New York, and 18h-22h in most of Europe. (You're probably reading this while the USA is on Daylight Savings Time, but we'll switch to Standard Time before Snap!shot. So California will be at UTC-7.)
Last year's Snap!shot was a lot of fun, and we learned a lot, so we're continuing the same schedule. All events will be via Zoom.
The presentations will all be five-minute Lightning talks and/or Show Your Project demos, apart from a short keynote by Jens about the status and features of Snap! 7.0. We want to leave a lot of time and (virtual) space for side conversations. We'll probably hang around afterward if people still want to talk, especially the Californians, who'll just about be properly waking up at 1:00. Not promising anything about the Europeans.
You're welcome to enroll (free, but you have to do it so we can plan based on the number of participants) and to propose lightning talks at The proposal deadline is November 20. The event is targeted to adults, but young people are welcome too. Please come!