Snap [scratchblocks] Tutorial (Part 1)

flag doesn't even popup
not like quotes would work because


wait really? you can't see the flag symbol?

I can't. It only does the popup with [scratchblocks] when flag clicked[/scratchblocks]

[scratchblocks] when flag clicked [/scratchblocks]

even with

[scratchblocks] press flag [/scratchblocks]

[scratchblocks] press flag [/scratchblocks]

oh hey no max replies.

press @greenFlag
oh- but its not like that in Scratch. I thought I had it clear I was from Scratch, oh well.

use @greenFlag

I don't get it. Everyone else can see the flag symbol

[scratchblocks] @greenFlag [/scratchblocks]


Use “⌸” for lists:

[scratchblocks] add[thing]to ⌸::list [/scratchblocks]

Huh, I’m sure this was possible once upon a time. Maybe it was a bit of code I took out, because it didn’t fit right with vanilla Scratch support.

Probably something I could write a patch for, if the code here bears any resemblance to what I wrote! :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome back to the forums!
(why was your profile broken, and how was it fixed?)

Thanks! *Was* my profile broken?

(I appear to still have admin powers, so that’s fun :stuck_out_tongue:)

Hi, Tim! Welcome home.

Interesting! I think I had an account since a long time ago, and the forum accounts were maybe merged with the Snap! social site accounts? Presumably when I logged back in today it fixed whatever was broken. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Brian! Nice to hear from you.

I’d “like” your post, but, well, I know how you feel about social features. :wink:

There used to be a like button that was added when you were gone, but it was removed later. Many other categories like former-uncategorized were removed after people started filling up the forum with off-topic topics

it still is possible on the scratch forum.

It's based on your Github's repository v3.5, packaged as a Discourse post-processor

I've written a little fix for this, and bundled that and some other fixes into v3.5.1 -- including your use href fix, @dardoro!

whats is the secret in the wink here

Oh, no secret; I just remember how keen Brian was when first setting up the forum to disable all the social features :slightly_smiling_face:

edit: and there’s a FAQ for it!

Oh and welcome back
Even though this is first time seeing you