Snap!nix Neo


i made a little change, the ~ symbol is now equivalent to the home directory of the logged-in user (so typing ~/program will run /home/(current logged in user)/program)

Oh! Great! (I can't access smerged Snap! projects now. Sorry.)

try Snap! Build Your Own Blocks

Yes, but which block is this?

Okay! I will. Thanks!

New major release: Snap!nix Neo 0.1


  1. rm command
  2. Filesystem exporting and importing
  3. Admin commands
  4. More stable get file
  5. less command (soon: vim)
  6. Emotional satisfaction that Snap!nix Neo is no longer a pre-alpha demo

Try it today at this page.

Brian ain't gonna like "soon"

yes, bh hates vim

whats the Undefined! block here supposed to be

error [not found] ::control

How did you all make the "teletype"? I have some ideas in my mind but I don't know how to navigate through your messy code of everything-in-the-filesystem to make sure it's that.

check /etc/teletype

But it's just some system: draw teletype :: #00885a block wrapped in a forever { warp { }. Do I check the definition?

EDIT: found the drawing of the term, but I want to know how the terminal catches input. Where's that?

EDIT 2: found an input :: #00885a reporter block that waits

Sorry. The TTY driver is a mess, but I'm working on a standalone project that will make it much easier to use w/o a full UNIX-like OS running. :-)­

What's a TTY?

Teletypewriter. It's like a telephone, but you type, and the other teletype prints out what the other person typed. In the old days, you would hook a computer up to the telephone line, and it would send the electrical signals to type on the user's teletype. The computer would also read the signals sent by the user to get input.

Aight cool :sunglasses::+1:

Project logo:
Snap!nix Neo Logo
What do you guys think?

(Don't worry, Tuxonzo still exists!)

I don´t think you are allowed to use the Snap! logo this way. But @bh will be able to tell you.

but it's in snap?