Snap! Jr: Snap! For Youngsters! (Version 2.0.0) (Part 3)

Yes, but those are not vanilla Snap!. Those are for their learning curriculums. This Snap! Jr. Is not modified for more features. :slight_smile:

I know what you can do! Can you try to find button links that don't work on the website? I find some that don't work occasionally, because they aren't actually linked to anything.

Oh. There are two "programs" sections.

How do I get on the Dev Team?

Oh, you joined before the automation for adding you to the dev team was added... Let me fix that...

OK! You're all set!

Thanks. I see it.


fixed what?

oh I didn't see that.

@sirhopsalot Could you make an account for Snap! Jr.

You saw the update?

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