Snap! Jr: Snap! For Youngsters! (Version 2.0.0) (Part 2)

No. You dont.

I think it would be a whole lot easier to just use github. On github, you can turn on github pages which will then allow people to use snap jr without having to download it.

I don't want to do github stuff until I'm done with it. It takes a TON of time to upload and organize anything. And I cant use Git because I'm on a chromebook.

No, but features such as forums, events. etc. need a wix account.

ah, that makes sense. (although there are ways to use github on chrome os, but they're not official).

27 posts were split to a new topic: Licenses, COPPA, and other legalisms

I've started hosting an online mirror of this at (sorry if I'm advertiying with this).

Thanks! I'll put this on the website!

You will see it towards the bottom of the page here:

im going to a school today and im doing a little snap! jr. side class for small kids I will tell you when im done and what happened :wink:

I'm going to edit the theme of Snap! Jr.

why tho?

The theme of Snap! may be a little depressing for young kids.

to sirhopsalot:

Also, when will your class end? I'm exited to see the results.

to joecooldoo:

You should move this to a different site.

  1. I can't use it due to COPPA.
  2. Other young kids can't use it either.

Yes, but wix will violate COPPA.

What I mean is, I'm sure the kids using it(or most of them) will want to use the forums and other community features.

Induing me.

Wix still collects personal info. Even from the accounts specifically for a site.

2.2. Users of users ‘Personal Information’

We may also collect Personal Information pertaining to visitors and users of our User’s websites or services (“Users-of-Users”), solely for and on our Users’ behalf (as further described in Section ‎6 below).

im still there we are having a snack break.