Snap! Jr: Snap! For Youngsters! (Version 2.0.0) (Part 1)

I don't think so; lots of schools use Drive with students.

Did you see the mod?

Not yet, I just woke up and am catching up on the forum. But I will, I promise.

Oh, ok.

Its 3:00 PM in PST.

Oof I need your E-Mail :slightly_frowning_face:

Again, you can just give me some suggestion :slight_smile:

I know; since retirement I've been living on teenager time.

It’s almost 6.

OK, I played with it...

Why are you changing all the block colors? That fire-engine-red for Motion is kind of anxiety-making, and I just have a personal hatred for olive green.

I like the tiny logo, though; that's clever.

It's not obvious to me that someone not already familiar with Scratch or Snap! would understand that "look in direction..." means that future moves will move that way. But I'm not sure how much that matters, since it's discoverable.

Nothing happens when I click the cloud menu. Maybe either remove it or give it a hovertext saying there's no cloud in this version.

But really I'd have to see it finished before I have a good sense of whether it's really suitable for little kids. Scratch Jr. is all pictures, no block text, and the blocks are squarish so they can link them sideways. This one has pictures in addition to text. I don't have a good sense about how that will actually work out. Do you have any younger siblings, or siblings of friends, to try it out on?

I did that on purpose. I don't know how to remove it without breaking it entirely though...

I have a little brother...

Cool, well, give us a research report when you're ready.

We will see... My brother has placed 6 coding blocks in his entire life, so it should be interesting.

Of course for a proper study, you have to clone him, and teach one of them regular Snap! and the other one Snap! Jr.

Well, I can teach one of my friends Snap... @legowarsmr wants to use snap, so I can teach him...

If he's your friend, not your brother's friend, he's too old for a proper comparison. Anyway, with a sample of one person for each treatment, you won't get the statistical averaging out of individual differences; that's why it has to be a clone. :~)


Your up at 1 AM (welllllllll its 4 AM my time).

I know. But I'm about to go to bed, because I have to wake up at a grownup hour tomorrow (later today, really).

Have you noticed that most of the time when I post on the forums is 10pm-1am