Snap! Extensions (Part 4)

I have an idea...

Apparently this is the Replit database URL. Link changes for my server every 2 days, and you have to use stdout (Whatever that is...) to obtain it.

im back. whats up? oh, helicopter is whats up.


I have decided to enable "Snap! Extensions End-Of-Life" mode. This means I will no longer maintain the server. All moderators will be removed. This does NOT mean you can't use Snap! Extensions anymore. The server will continue running. As for cloud variable storage, cloud variables are deleted every 5 days. Reply "Goodbye!" if your OK with this decision.

goodbye! I guess.

Is that 5 days after the creation or the last accessing of them?

Just every five days they get deleted. It doesnt matter about creation time or anything.

So if a var is made 4 seconds before deletion time, it gets deleted 4 seconds after it was created?


I plan to update the blocks a final time for a fix.

What fix?

BTW BlueStacks seems to think I posted this 2h ago.

To re-apply the variable if its used again.

So that vars can be used indefinitely, unless 5d passes w/out any activity with the var?

If the user uses the block again, it will re-set the cloud variable.

Uses the block to get a var?

Yes. Every time the var gets set, it applies that data to a recovery data browser key.



Could you join my new replit repl "Server test"? I want to know how you do stuff with Flask and UpTimeRobot.

OK, I made the update.

Even though SciSnap! is loaded from a url, it's included in offline Snap!; I made fixed versions of those blocks (using SciSnap!) which work offline and are more responsive here.

  1. This is dead, I'm not working on it anymore.
  2. This is a cloud project, it does everything on the cloud.